Did you know…

·         143 million children are orphans worldwide

·         13 million kids are orphans due to AIDS

·         17 million die of malnutrition/starvation a year

·         140 million kids have no education

·         240 million children are child laborers

·         600 million kids live on less than $1/day

·         It costs $15000 - $20000 per child to adopt internationally




Dear Friend:


We believe that God has commanded his church to care for the orphans and so we’re excited to share with you a new orphan care/adoption ministry at Hope Community Church called “I Choose You”. The primary purpose of this ministry is to offset adoption expenses for families who have been called to adopt orphaned children. Any excess funds will be used to provide additional support to agencies already providing care to orphans or families who will be adopting needy children in the future.


Kim and I are nearing the end of a year long process to adopt two children from Liberia, West Africa. Their names are Josiah (age 3) and Gabriella (age 1). They are among the few “lucky ones” who have made it inside the orphanage doors – because the orphanage represents hope to these kids. Hope for a meal and the hope of someday having a “forever family”. Our desire is to not only care for and provide for the needs of these two children, but to raise them in the knowledge and instruction of the Lord. Our children are currently being cared and provided for through the Christian agency – Acres of Hope Liberia. They continue to work to make a difference in the lives of many children, many of which have special needs.


Kim and I are extremely blessed. We did not travel down this road of adoption without much prayer and counsel. So it is with great anticipation that we look forward to bringing our children home. We serve a great God who is able to meet all our needs, and so we are trusting him to provide the remainder needed to complete their adoption.


If the Lord has impressed on your heart to partner with us and our church in this ministry, you can make a tax deductible contribution to

Hope Community Church – I Choose You.

302 Tristan Dr

Shawano, WI  54166

For others of you that are not in a position to be able to financially contribute to this ministry, we would appreciate your prayers. Some requests are listed in the right hand column of our blog.


With grateful appreciation



Dale and Kim Basten

On behalf of Josiah and Gabriella